GrandUp! Energia giovane per lo sviluppo

Extended work-related learning for social innovation
Area d'azione: Engagement and Capacity Building, Impact Education
Periodo: October 2018 - December 2019
Geografia d'intervento: Locale

Sfida sociale:

Build knowledge and skills for social innovation among high school students and teachers.


Launched alongside GrandUp! Acceleriamo l’impatto sociale (We Accelerate Social Impact), GrandUp! Energia Giovane per lo Sviluppo is a knowledge acceleration program specifically dedicated to high schools.

Promoted by Fondazione CRC and Cuneo Chamber of Commerce with the technical support of SocialFare, the program aims to bring social innovation inside the schools of Cuneo province.

Descrizione del progetto:

Thanks to GrandUp! Energia Giovane per lo Sviluppo, high school students can become changemakers and change-activators, positively impacting the community in which they live. The knowledge acceleration program dedicated to schools provides innovative workshops where students finally learn by doing, collaborating and co-designing solutions while discovering and cultivating their inner talents and personal along the process.


The program aims to turn schools into open, dynamic ecosystems and places for project design,ready to tackle contemporary challenges related to education  and develop ideas and solutions able to generate positive social impact. Through preliminary interviews with teachers and direct dialogues with students, each high school selects and defines the social challenge to be addressed during the program, with typical topics ranging from social inclusion to circular economy, as well as contrasting the negative effects of the hyper-communication and hyper-connection.

The project, promoted by Fondazione CRC and Cuneo Chamber of Commerce with SocialFare technical support, in 2018/19 will involve over 300 students living in the province of Cuneo and will be articulated into 9 learning-paths of 50 hours and 4 learning-paths of 25 hours.

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