Design Your Impact

Acceleration Program with practical knowledge on how to become Social InnovActor
Focus Area: Engagement and Capacity Building, Knowledge Acceleration
Period: May - June 2017
Geographical area: Nazionale

The social challange:

Accelerate practical knowledge about social innovation, with particular attention to highly qualified young people who are temporarily unemployed or unemployed.

The context:

The world's economic climate is characterized by ever more pressing societal challenges. In order to respond effectively and contemporarily, stakeholders from the public and private companies need new knowledge and information, methodologies, tools and a new hybrid professionalism.

Project description:

“Design Your Impact” is the first national program of practical knowledge acceleration to apply the fundamentals of Social Innovation and become Social InnovActor. Who is the Social InnovActor?

It is a hybrid professional with mixed skills and transversal, equipped with the knowledge, tools and methodologies to tackle societal challenges, generating social impact at multiple levels: community, companies, public administration and civil society.

“Design Your Impact” was held from 2 May to 13 June 2017 in the heart of Turin, near the Rinascimenti Sociali location (Via Maria Vittoria 38). The 18 candidates – young people between the ages of 18 and 35 years, residing in Italy and temporarily unemployed (unemployed or with occasional collaborations) were selected through a public call launched on and promoted through the offline and online channels.

The structure of the program:

/ 30 days full-time (240h total training);

/ +15 between teachers and testimonials: teachers of the program are SocialFare’s professionals and experts in various fields and are a part of national and international networks, testimonials are professionals (entrepreneurs, start-uppers and stakeholders of PA) selected to share their experiences and relevant case studies.

/ 18 Themed Workshops: Social Innovation, Design Thinking, Systemic Design, contextual search, Idea Creation, Hybridization Areas, Forms of Financing, Impact Finance, Creating Models, Community Engagement, Digital Development, Fast Prototyping, Marketing, Data Visualization, Social Impact Evaluation, Communication and Storytelling, Public Speaking, Pitch Techniques.

/ Methodological approach/formation of experiential learning: the structure of the program has provided the theoretical sessions, hands-on workshops, moments of comparison and hybridizations between participants, testimonies, didactic visits.


Deliverable products:

At the end of the first week program participants were divided into 5 teams; each one has applied theoretical concepts, tools and methodologies inherent in Social Innovation to develop an innovative project in response to 5 different societal challenges, relating to the following design contexts:

/ Social Inclusion and Reception

/ Microcredit

/ Mala-movida

/ International Exchange

/ University Education


18 Social InnovActor
- Gender: 8 Male + Female 10
- Average Age: 28 years;
- Origin: Italy (10 Northern, 2 central, 5 Southern) + Europe (1 Brussels);
- Training/professional experiences: anthropology, architecture, design, engineering, economics, social sciences, illustration, chemistry,
Biotechnology, international cooperation.
15 total, both testimonies and teachers


/ Practical Knowledge | Contextual action capabilities and contextual acquisition of skills;
/ Awareness | Attitudes and personal skills of each person on the team
/ Networking | Creating a network of contacts both formal and informal
/ Professional Developments | At the end of the program more than 1/4 of participants have conducted an interview and/or is in contact with stakeholders encountered during the program, to bring forward proposals for project or respond to job offers.

Expertise SocialFare:

Conception, design, conduction

In collaboration with:

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