Make it accessible, simple and convenient to obtain quality nutritional support and through this and Nutriyou’s ‘non-prescriptive’ approach accompany people towards a better relationship with their bodies and food by abandoning the vicious cycle of diets.
Nutriyou finds the most suitable nutritionist for you, based on your preferences and needs, who will help you reach your goals with a 100% online nutritional pathway.
Their aim is to make it easy and convenient to find a nutritionist tailored to your needs and thus receive quality nutritional support.
The nutritionists at Nutriyou follow an innovative, evidence-based approach that does not prescribe low-calorie diets with rigid diets to follow and unnecessary restrictions, but is based on nutrition education and aimed at achieving personal balance in one’s natural weight.
The customised online nutritionist is matched to the patient by filling in a questionnaire where the client is asked about goals, needs and preferences. On the basis of the answers, the matching algorithm proposes the customised nutritionist with whom to immediately start a dialogue in a confidential chat. From the chat you move on to the free consultation meeting in which you can meet the nutritionist, share your goals and needs, and after which you can decide whether to start your own nutrition programme. And if the nutritionist does not suit the client, a change can be made.
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