
Progetti per fare cultura


Our country is characterised by a widespread cultural heritage that constitutes a formidable development asset. Public administrations are moving backwards in terms of innovative planning and investment opportunities. Meanwhile, on the fruition side, is registered an unsatisfied demand to which Opera addresses innovative and engaging cultural purposes.


Kalatà, giving a concrete meaning to its own role of cultural business, directly invests on the cultural asset in order to raise premium tour proposals, able to attract a wider and more interested, differentiated public, conjugating the rigour of the contents to unforgettable experiences of discovery.

The investments carried out, other than the revenues deriving from the fruition of our proposals, find out their own sustainability in a context in which economic result, social impact and local development as well, are the main components and equally relevant in a unique framework.


Nicola Facciotto
CEO | Founder
Marco Abbadessa
Administrative manager
Marianna Sabena
Project manager senior | Impact evaluator
Giorgia Macario
Project manager senior | Fundraiser
Margherita Belgrano
Project manager junior | Communication designer
Francesca Sciolla
Project manager junior | Back office manager

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