
Enjoy the food revolution
Period: Spring 2016

The societal challenge:

By 2050 the world population will grow by 35% and meat production will to double. Current livestock industry has a tremendous environmental impact. The FAO believes that edible insects are a promising alternative to the conventional livestock. They’re healthy, more sustainable and surprisingly delicious. Today about 2 billion people eat them regularly, only in the Western world we have a psychological hurdle.

The solution proposed:

Crické aims to introduce insects in our diet by presenting them in the context of familiar, tasty foods. We created a line of new products fusing traditional, Mediterranean flavors with a delicious new ingredient: a cricket flour, that’s nutritionally superior to other protein sources – 68% protein by weight – and more sustainable. Our dry products, Crickelle and Crickette, are an innovative high-protein alternative to traditional meat. They’re good for you and good for the planet!


  • Edoardo ImparatoCEO
  • Andrea Di NardoUX/UI designer
  • Francesco MajnoCMO
  • Guglielmo GoriCOO
  • Marco ParrinelloProduct developer
  • Stefano GambaProduct developer
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