Class 3^A and the entire school ecosystem
SocialFare, in collaboration with OrtiAlti, has developed a specifically designed course for the third year class at the scientific secondary school “Alessandro Volta” in Turin. The objective of the project was to design solutions for the reutilization of a small building in the courtyard of the school, converting it into a classroom for innovative lectures and lessons. A ”Classroom 3.0”, even equipped with an roof-top garden. Students were encouraged to design while keeping in mind the needs of the school and the untapped potential of the spaces, as well as the students’ own needs and desires, working within the limits of the resources available, the different stakeholders of their school’s ecosystem and relationships within the school and with the neighborhood. Through the “planning for real” method and the human-centerd approach, students have redesigned the spaces of their school, understanding the inner workings and focusing on economic, social and environmental sustainability. New businesses and activities have now opened, also after school hours.
Concept, design, development, conduction
© Copyright – SOCIALFARE® IMPRESA SOCIALE S.R.L. – Centro per l’Innovazione Sociale®
VAT number: 10959210013
Iscrizione REA: 1175926
Registro Imprese di Torino
Share Capital € 1.365.335,00
Partner Sistema Invitalia Startup
Rinascimenti Sociali | Via Maria Vittoria 38 10123, Torino, IT
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+39 393 1718264
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