What is acceleration?

Acceleration is a method that sets the pace for the development of ideas, products or services and accompanies them with financial investments in the case of businesses.

We apply acceleration by integrating the same methods we use in planning Social Innovation, developing a two-pronged model to promote test cases as consultancies for Social Innovation and in accompanying the establishment and growth of social impact startups.

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Our acceleration develops into impact strategy, modelling & development, design of experiments, testing & iteration consulting.
We identify the Theory of Change and measure the social impact indicators that we intend to attain.

We develop and share contextual and specialized networks to promote the growth of organizations, startups and planning that are part of our approach, preparing them to activate new models of economic, social and development sustainability.

We organize workshops, hackathons, events, consulting for planning, programmes of knowledge acceleration and business mentoring/accompaniment, as well as community engagement activities and social innovation academies.

We design projects with businesses able to develop innovative solutions to address present-day social challenges.


We apply systemic design and design thinking to all our services.

We work together with the teams to structure and validate their product/service, their business strategy, scalability model and their investment readiness.

We identify and measure social impact indicators.

We develop and share contextual and specialized networks & platforms to support organizations, startups and impact designing.


Human-Cantered-Design, Systemic Design and Design Thinking shape our approach.

The English definition Human-centred-design means an anthropocentric design, that is an approach that develops solutions to problems using a human perspective in all the steps of problem-solving. The present context calls for the environmental sphere as well as the human one and focuses on the future: at SocialFare we have adopted this approach with clients and beneficiaries in our work on the social challenges at the centre of the process.
Systemic Design is a method to analyse and design relationships among system actual and potential resources to generate social, environmental and economic sustainability. The systemic approach has a holistic vision that enables it to enhance the value of system outputs turning them into resources for another area. We operate employing this method with clients and beneficiaries using a systemic view of existing resources as well as identifying the connections that can be activated thus amplifying opportunities exponentially.
Design Thinking is a method for the strategic use of participated processes through divergent and convergent steps with tools that actively involve clients throughout. The aim is to successfully rise to the challenges following changes in behaviour and service innovation expectations. If seen through the lenses of Social Design, Design Thinking gives an equal weight to the initial phases of research to define the relevant challenge and to its solution, favouring the development of solutions that really matter.
This methodological synergy can be seen in the Social Innovation spiral that is how SocialFare depicts the acceleration process: from needs, to behaviour to systemic change for social progress.

The Pace of Acceleration

Acceleration has a tempo, the pace of the phases of iteration and above all setting the pace for the appropriate expertise and skills in planning: expert professionals teaming so that the Pace of Acceleration becomes the Practice of Change in a startup, an organization, a project or a community.
Two Spheres of Acceleration:

Knowledge Acceleration

People are at the centre of our co-designing processes, and we accelerate the knowledge required to design, protype and validate products, services, models and networks. Our actions generate social innovation.

We organise workshops, hackathons, events, consultancies, knowledge acceleration and business mentoring, community engagement activities, day release programmes for schools, and a social innovation academy.

Startup acceleration

We accelerate the best social impact startups and invest in businesses able to develop innovative solutions to address present day social challenges.

We are a certified Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) Incubator and in 2015 we launched the first Italian call for social impact startups. Our acceleration programmes are practical, thorough, challenging, motivating, transformative.

We support the best startups with seed funds through our investment vehicle SocialFare Seed.