Co-City (Beni Comuni)

Shared care, management and regeneration of urban assets and properties
Area d'azione: Innovation Design
Geografia d'intervento: Locale

Sfida sociale:

Promote new forms of administration shared with citizens, building on existing partnership agreements between citizens and public authorities for the care, shared management and regeneration of urban assets and properties.


Winner of the first European Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) competition, Co-City is a project promoted by City of Turin aiming at stimulating new forms of administration shared with citizens, building on existing partnership agreements between citizens and public authorities for the care, shared management and regeneration of urban assets and properties.

Descrizione del progetto:

Winner of the first European Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) competition, Co-City is a project promoted by City of Turin aiming at stimulating new forms of administration shared with citizens, building on existing “Partnership Agreements” between citizens and public authorities for the care, shared management and regeneration of urban assets and properties.The main goal of the project is to co-design and launch new services, community based enterprises and innovative urban development schemes drawing on instruments and methodologies linked to social innovation, local entrepreneurship, tutoring and online networking.

SocialFare helped accelerate knowledge, co-design models and interventions and develop prototypes within each category of agreements (Type A –  structural rehabilitation of disused buldings to develop new services; Type B – enhancing services currently offered by schools, social assistance services and  cultural spaces).

Case del Quartiere and Turin University are directly involved in the project, while ANCI is responsible for the communication at the national level.

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