Revolutionizing the current fresh food distribution models with a more sustainability and quality oriented soution.
Reducing the distance between citizen and farmer through an accessible offer of local and quality fresh fruit and vegetables, from Organic and / or Biodynamic Agriculture: this is the YouFarmer #OrganicRevolution.
The project challenges the most widespread distribution models by shortening the supply chain, minimizing transport, waste and storage and guaranteeing to the customer products issued by the best local farms within a maximum distance of 30 km. The customer can choose whether to receive the weekly shopping bag at home or at an affiliated store of the “NaturaSì” chain.
The distribution model of YouFarmer stands out because it combines high quality criteria, environmental sustainability and a short supply chain with a fast and efficient delivery service.
© Copyright – SOCIALFARE® IMPRESA SOCIALE S.R.L. – Centro per l’Innovazione Sociale®
Partita Iva e Codice Fiscale: 10959210013
Iscrizione REA: 1175926
Registro Imprese di Torino
Capitale sociale € 1.365.335,00
Rinascimenti Sociali | Via Maria Vittoria 38
10123, Torino, IT
[email protected]
+39 393 1718264
Crafted for SocialFare by Experientia